Is it out of place to propose Italy as a member of the BRICS?
In these times marked by Trumpian “Make America Great Again” and the resulting exaggerated trade protectionism, it would seem not. The US President raises tariffs on China, Canada and Mexico, threatens to soon apply them to the EU and increase them by 100% to the BRICS if they insist on creating an alternative currency to the dollar. The arrogance of the US has no limits and for Italy the BRICS perspective would be the right alternative.
The following text is introduction to the short report that you will find attached in English version, useful to know more about the BRICS and the state of cooperation between Italy and the countries of the group. Working for a multipolar future…
“There was a time when the West mocked BRICS, portraying it as a butterfly beating its wings in vain in a global order ruled by the G7. Today, the butterfly effect will change the global order”.
This is how I began an interview with China Media Group (CMG) in August 2023.
Discussing BRICS and its transformation, I pointed out that the group was increasingly evolving into an alliance of countries brought together by the purpose of dismantling Western neocolonialism and independently determining their policies of cooperation, collective development, and balanced, mutually beneficial growth.
This transformation, which began with the decision to accept new member states made at the BRICS Johannesburg Summit in August 2023, was further reinforced the following year by the strategies of the Russian leadership and culminated in the deliberations of the historic Kazan Summit in October 2024.
BRICS officially welcomed Egypt, United Arab Emirates, Ethiopia, and Iran as full members in January 2024, with Indonesia joining in January 2025. It also established the “partner country” status and expanded cooperation with nine additional countries: Belarus, Bolivia, Cuba, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, Nigeria, Thailand, Uganda, and Uzbekistan. The group introduced regulations for commercial transactions, both between members and with third-party countries, using national currencies as an alternative to the US dollar.
In the final Declaration of the Kazan Summit, BRICS leaders stated that the group operates to serve its members’ interests, not “against someone”, emphasizing that BRICS is not a tool for opposing the West and does not pursue any narrative or agenda against an adversary. Rather, it works for the best interests of its members.
What better conditions to consider an Italian request to join BRICS?
Italy is a gateway country—geographically, historically, and culturally— positioned between East and West, and between the global North and South. However, it’s not benefitting at all from the opportunities offered by the “Kazan world”, even after BRICS expanded to include nations with which Italy shares strong ties and long-established relations.
Our country’s exclusive alignment with the Western bloc is the exact opposite of Italy’s historical role in the international context.
Joining BRICS as well, on the other hand, would grant Italy greater autonomy and authority in its relationships with traditional allies while reinforcing its historical geopolitical disposition: dialogue and cooperation on equal footing with all countries.
We present this brief report, intended to provide a clearer understanding of the group and the potential benefits of a structured Italy-BRICS partnership.
Enjoy the read,
Vito Petrocelli, Chairman Italy BRICS Institute